As these radioactive isotopes continue to decay, more and more of them reach a stable state and stop emitting radiation, and thus no longer contribute to the decay heat. 只有当放射性同位素持续衰变,越来越多的放射性同位素处于稳定状态并停止产生电磁辐射能,衰变热才能彻底停止。
From the tests, the reflux condensation heat transfer is very effective to remove the reactor core decay heat under small temperature difference. 利用高压汽水两相流试验系统模拟压水堆小破口失水事故中冷凝回流传热模式,进行了传热、流动及不凝结气影响的试验。
Nuclear energy-Light water reactors? Calculation of the decay heat power in nuclear fuels 重水慢化水冷反应堆核能--轻水堆核燃料衰变热功率的计算
The water temperature originates in geothermy warming rate and the radioactive element decay has the heat energy. 水温来源于地热增温率及放射元素的衰变产生热能。
His work was done before the discovery of radioactivity and the understanding that natural radioactive decay provides a source of heat to the earth. 他的工作是做了,才发现放射性和谅解,即天然放射性衰变提供热源,以地球。
At the same time, deep underground, the decay of radioactive elements produced heat at rates more than six times greater than they do today. 同时,地底深处的放射性元素衰变,产生热的速率是今日的六倍以上。
Decay heat is really important. 衰变热真的很重要。
Like Galileo, Cassini is powered by the natural decay of the radioactive element plutonium, which generates heat that is then converted to electricity. 如同伽利略号,卡西尼号的能源来自放射性元素钸的自然衰变,产生热后再转换成电。
This data is not produced from measured data on the actual reactors at Fukushima, but from using a well established model that is routinely used to estimate decay heat from shutdown reactors. 这并不是福岛核电站关闭反应后的实际衰变热变化趋势,而是根据以往核反应关闭后的衰变热变化建立的模型推测所得的结果。
In the decay stage of heat convection, the height of convective is decreased, and the vertical movement is getting gentle and lasts for very long time. 在热对流消退期,对流高度逐渐降低,上升运动变得相对和缓并维持较长时间。
Lack of oxygen inhibited decay, and heat and pressure over millennia turned the wood into solid quartz colored by impurities like iron, carbon, and manganese. 缺乏氧气的抑制衰减,热量和压力,几千年来,把木材变成坚实的石英色彩的杂质一样,铁,碳,锰。
The decay heat must be removed at the same rate it is produced or the reactor core will begin to heat up. 要彻底消除衰变热必须在衰变热产生之初就迅速冷却,否则核反应芯又会重新加热。
The decay radiation then deposits most of its energy in the fuel, and this is what is referred to as decay heat. 衰变辐射也能释放部分热量,这种热量被称为衰变热。
Analyses the characteristics of civil air defense works in decay of annual temperature wave, heat storage and air tightness of the envelope, presents the design and calculation of ventilating and air conditioning systems, gives the cooling load index of civil air defense markets in this city. 分析了地下人防建筑在年温度波衰减、围护结构蓄热、围护结构气密性等方面的特点,介绍了其通风空调系统的设计计算方法,给出了该市地下人防商场的冷负荷指标。
It has less impact on environment, low radioactivity, low decay heat and low contact radiation dose rate for long time, and it can recycle. These properties offer it good safety and friendly environmental features. 它对环境的损害小,具有长期稳定的低放射性、低的衰变热、低的接触放射剂量,并可回收利用,显示出了良好的安全性以及环境上的优势。
Decay Heat Character of Fast Test Reactor after Shutdown 实验快堆停堆后衰变热特性
Study on the Resistance to Decay Fungi of Chinese Fir Treated by ACQ-D and Heat Treatment 季胺铜防腐剂处理和热处理后人工林杉木的耐腐性研究
Decay Heat Rate of Spent Fuel in Experimental Fast Reactor FFR 实验快堆FFR燃料的衰变热计算
The logarithmic decrements of2Cr13 steel at room temperature have been determined from the free decay curves of cantilever-beam specimens of which the heat treatment conditions are given. 本文通过对2铬13钢在常温下阻尼特性的测定,得出了经过不同热处理工艺处理的试件的阻尼&应力曲线。
In the normal condition, this "paradox" may be explained away by the rapid decay of heat waves. 在通常情况下,热波的迅速衰减掩盖了这种佯谬。
The loss of cooling event of decay heat removal system 余热排出系统冷却丧失事故
In the paper an analysis for the safety characteristics of Modular HTGR is made, which involves: 1. passive safety of removal of decay heat; 分析了模块式高温气冷堆所具有的固有安全特性:1.余热载出的固有安全特性;
Once, RHR system is unavailable, core decay heat will gather in the core, and lead to core damage. 因为,一旦余热排出系统丧失,堆芯衰变热将无法及时排出,并导致堆芯损坏。
The passive residual heat removal heat exchanger is an important device in the passive safety system, which charged with the important task of removing core decay heat during the accident operating conditions to ensure the safety of reactor. 非能动余热排出换热器是非能动安全系统中的一个重要设备,担负着事故工况下导出堆芯余热,保证反应堆安全的重任。
Nonradiative decay process will generate heat, decreasing the out power and the slope efficiency, and decreasing the beam quality. 无辐射跃迁过程中会产生大量热量,引起热效应,降低激光器输出功率和输出功率与吸收泵浦功率的斜效率,影响光束质量。
As the temperature rises, the enhancement of quantum conductance is induced by the energy provided by the decay of localized field and the heat produced by electron-phonon interaction. 而在温度较高时,量子电导的增强来自于局域场衰减给电子提供的动能,以及通过电声子相互作用产生的热能。
Waste of radioactive elements in the process of decay, will be given off a lot of heat. 核废料中的放射性元素,在其衰变的过程中将会放出大量的热量。
The passive residual heat removal system ( PRHR) is a successful application of the passive safety design theory. Its function is to remove core decay heat for any postulated non-LOCA event, prevent the occurrence of reactor meltdown accident. 非能动余热排出系统是非能动安全设计思想的一个成功应用,担负着反应堆停堆后安全可靠地排出堆芯余热,防止出现堆芯熔化事故的重任。
The weight loss, respiration rate, CAT activity, and decay index of pepper treated by heat treatment was higher than treated by intermittent, and MDA and cell membrane permeability, the content of Vc and chlorophyll, chilling injury index were higher. 热处理的失重率、呼吸强度、CAT、腐烂指数低于间歇升温,细胞膜透性、MDA、VC、叶绿素、冷害指数高于间歇升温。
Mantle heat flow is the main heat source, and then the heat produced by decay of radioactive substances on the crustal heat. 区内主要热源为地幔热流,其次为上地壳放射性物质衰变产生的热能。